Title: Hoekje voor Lieve
Location: Borgerhub Antwerp, Belgium
Date: 22-06-24
Materials & attributes: wooden found plank, toy make-up, electric circuit, sound sensors, videowork on telephone, plastic plants
After Lieve, a nice lady from who I just knew the first name, visited my previous solo exposition I decided to make a corner specially for her. Always honest in her compliments and critique she said she liked the last show with all the big and flat work, but she also missed something. Something small, something intimate , a little corner with little stuff. For the next groupshow I made ‘Hoekje voor Lieve’. Bringing my personal gratitude to her as part of a public event was for me something I wondered if it was ok. Knowing Lieve just from a few expositions and talks I trusted my gutts. Her genuine interest in my work and her personality gave me the confidence and trust to do this.
This time she came and was very enthousiast to see it and received it with gratitude.
The photos show the work as well as the public presentation